News Releases

TRINRE’S ‘good creditworthiness’ Reaffirmed by CariCRIS


20th January 2023

CariA – Regional Scale Foreign Currency
CariA – Regional Scale Local Currency
ttA – Trinidad and Tobago National Scale


TRINRE Insurance is pleased to announce that the Caribbean Information and Credit Rating Services Limited (CariCRIS) has reaffirmed its regional scale Corporate Credit ratings of CariA (Foreign and Local Currency Ratings) and reaffirmed the national scale rating of ttA.

In issuing the ratings, CariCRIS confirmed that, “The level of creditworthiness of this obligor, adjudged in relation to other obligors in the Caribbean is good.”

TRINRE’s ratings were based on its:

  • Strong Corporate Governance, risk, and compliance practices
  • Robust policies and procedures
  • Proactive upgrades of ICT systems, to improve operational efficiency
  • A diverse investment portfolio, with good asset quality
  • Healthy capitalization and good liquidity

CariCRIS also assigned a stable outlook on the ratings and expects TRINRE to continue to be profitable over the next 12 to 15 months and that capitalization, as well as liquidity ratios, will remain strong.